Dear Fellow Evrytanians,
We hope this letter finds all of you and your families in good health during this unprecedented time. Please take the time to open the attachment and read some important information from our association.
Thank you,
The Evrytanian Association Board
Saturday, February 22, 2020
To our Members, Families and Friends,
Please join us for a night of Dinner, Dancing, Spirits, and fun for all ages!
When: Saturday, 2/22 @ 5:30 p.m.
Where: St. George Greek Orthodox Church
Admission: Adults $40, Children under 15 are free.
RSVP to Venetia Lappas by February 10: ( or 312-203-4789)
-Dress up in your favorite costumes
-50/50 Raffle
-Face Painting
-And Much More!
Panagia Prousiotissa
Date: Sunday, September 1, 2019
Location: St. George Greek Orthodox Church
2701 North Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, IL
Time: 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy followed by Artoclasia
Please join us for Divine Liturgy followed by an Artoclasia in Honor of our Holy Panagia Prousiotissa. Our Association will sponsor the full cost for this event and Mrs. Eleni Stasinos has, again, graciously volunteered to organize the event. Please contact Eleni if you are interested in assisting with preparations for this day. Please also contact Eleni if you are interested in bringing something for the coffee hour, which will follow the Divine Liturgy and Artoclasia. If anyone is interested in making a monetary donation, please make your check payable to the “Evrytanian Association, Chicago” and provide it to Eleni the day of the event as well.
Annual Evrytanian Association Picnic
Date: Sunday, September 15, 2019
Location: Blue Star Memorial Woods
699 E. Lake Ave, Glenview, IL
Time: 11:00 a.m.
It's time again for our Annual Picnic and we hope to see you all there!
We will be providing food and drinks and ask for our Members’ assistance with cooking the food and other preparations for the day of the event. We would also like to welcome our Members to bring their favorite Salad, Specialty Pita and/or Dessert. If you are able to assist in any way, please contact one of our board members.
Dear Fellow Evrytanians and Members of our Association,
At last Sunday’s (May 19) elections, the leadership of our association was passed to Irene Kazazakis. Irene is an energetic young lady who has been our recording secretary for the last two years. I wish her wholeheartedly the best in her new role. She has a lot to offer to advance the goals of our organization. Our board has also been renewed with the election of several young members –Vasilis Goulas, Tom Tsatsaronis, Despina Spyriliotis, George Platis - who promise to enrich our operations, programs, and pursuits of our community with their energy, professionalism, and new ideas. Pete Hatzopoulos and John Haskos are the new members on the Auditing Committee, and I welcome them both. A complete list of the names compiling the new board will be forthcoming soon from our new president. I would like to welcome them onboard and wish them success and that they achieve gratification through their commitment during their term in serving the Association.
It has been an honor and a privilege for me to have led the organization during the last four years. I thank you all for your trust, and I remain committed to continue supporting our Evrytanian Association. It has been a very exciting and rewarding experience working with everyone and accomplishing a good number of objectives with our collective effort and collaboration.
Best Regards,
Dimitri Kourkouvis
May 2019
General Assembly Elections Agenda
Evrytanian Association of Chicago Elections Agenda May 19 2019 (pdf)
DownloadDear Fellow Evrytanians:
As we approach the four year anniversary of our Evrytanian Association it is time to elect our new board. Elections for officers, board members, and committee formations will be held during our next General Assembly, which is set as follows:
Date: Sunday, May 19, 2019
Time: 2:00-6:00 pm
Location: St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
2350 E. Dempster St, Des Plaines, 60016
We kindly remind you that only paid members are allowed to vote in the elections and each family has one vote as per rules of our association’s constitution. Families will be able to pay their annual membership at our general assembly meeting. If you are unable to attend the general assembly meeting and wish to pay your $55.00 membership, please mail it to our treasurer (Venetia Lappas: 709 Dee Road, Park Ridge, IL 60068).
Our association will also be participating in the Greek Parade on Sunday,
May 5 at 2:00 pm on Halsted Street. We will be # 30 in the marching order. Alex Seretis is appointed to organize our participation in the parade this year. If you would like to join us, please contact Alex at 847.544.1391 to let him know you’re coming and to get more details.
Please be informed that we now have an active website: Please visit our site so you are fully informed of our latest postings and tell us what you think.
Finally, as we approach the holy holiday of Easter we wish you and your families a Happy Easter.
Dimitrios Kourkouvis, President
Demetra Bolis, Secretary
Αγαπητοί συμπατριώτες,
Πλησιάζουμε τα τέσσερα χρόνια της λειτουργίας του συλλόγου μας και είναι καιρός για εκλογές. Γι αυτό σας καλούμε στην Γενική Συνέλευση που προγραμματίζουμε ως εξής:
Ημερομηνία και ώρα: 19 Μαΐου, 2:00 μμ – 6:00 μμ
Τόπος συγκέντρωσης: Αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων στην
Εκκλησία Αγίου Ιωάννου του Βαπτιστού
2350 E. Dempster St, Des Plaines, 60016
Υπενθυμίζουμε ότι μόνο τα οικονομικώς τακτοποιημένα μέλη μπορούν να εκλεγούν ή να ψηφίσουν. Και ότι η κάθε οικογένεια έχει ένα ψήφο. Ανανέωση της συνδρομής σας μπορεί να γίνει την ημέρα της γενικής μας συνέλευσης. Εαν δεν είστε παρόντες την ημέρα αυτή μπορείτε να ανανεώσετε την συνδρομή σας ταχυδρομικώς στέλνοντας την επιταγή σας στην ταμία του συλλόγου (Venetia Lappas: 709 Dee Road, Park Ridge, IL 60068).
Ελπίζουμε να σας δούμε όλους στην ολομέλεια του συλλόγου μας. Και να αναδείξουμε ένα νέο δυναμικό Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο που θα συνεχίσει το έργο που με ενθουσιασμό αρχίσαμε πριν μια τετραετία.
Σας ενημερώνουμε επίσης ότι ο σύλλογος μας θα συμμετάσχει στην παρέλαση της ομογένειας ως πεζό τμήμα με σειρά #30 που θα γίνει στις 5 Μαΐου στην οδό Χώλστεντ όπως κάθε χρόνο. Υπεύθυνος του συλλόγου μας να συντονίσει την οργάνωση και συμμετοχή μας είναι ο Αλέξανδρος Σερέτης. Επικοινωνείστε με τον Αλέξανδρο στο τηλ. 847.544.1391 να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή και ελάτε την ημέρα της παρέλασης να έχουμε μια μαζική και εντυπωσιακή παρουσία.
Επιτέλους ο σύλλογός μας έχει ενεργή ιστοσελίδα: Σας προσκαλούμε να την επισκευτείτε για την πλήρη σας ενημέρωση της επικαιρότητας που αφορά το σύλλογό μας.
Τέλος, εν όψει των Αγίων ημερών, Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας και της Ανάστασης του Χριστού ευχόμαστε Χρόνια Πολλά με Υγεία, Χαρά και γιορτινή διάθεση.
Με πατριωτικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Δημήτρης Κουρκουβής , Πρόεδρος
Δήμητρα Μπόλη, Γενική Γραμματέας
The 25th of March is an important milestone in the history of our motherland Hellas and Hellenism. It is the anniversary of the Struggle for Independence of our ancestors against the Turkish Empire. The spark of the revolution that started in Peloponnese (Areopolis, Kalamata, Aigio and Kalavryta) during March of 1821, soon expanded to the rest of the mainland, the Greek Islands and motivated the Greeks of diaspora and the citizens of the civilized world. Heroic personalities evolved in every region and heroic events marked the battlefields. Philhellenes from all over the world came to offer their support in this sacred fight on the side of our fighting ancestors. And after years of struggle, that sacred fight brought about the recognition of our motherland Hellas as a free and independent nation.
In the course of our busy days and busy lives we ought not forget their sacrifice and honor those who offered their lives for the ideals of Liberty and Human Dignity. «Ελευθερία Ή Θάνατος» was their axiom and their motivation in this struggle against the conquerors for over 400 years.
We have inherited and owe our freedom and our place in history to them, the Heroes of 1821.
Τιμή και Δόξα στους Ήρωες του ’21!
Ζήτω η Ελλάδα!
2019 Annual Dinner Dance
On Saturday, February 9th, we celebrated our Annual Evrytanian Dinner Dance at Chateau Ritz in Niles, IL. Mr. Dimitrios Kourkouvis, Velouchi’s Chapter 13 President, along with its respective board led the evening and glenti with class, organization, and generosity. We were also extremely honored to have The Consul General, Mrs. Ekaterini Dimakis, along with her spouse, Mr. Thore Grov, joined us with merriment and good spirits.
The scholarship judges and presenters were facilitated by Mr. Christos Dallas, Mrs. Demetra Stratakos, and Miss Despina Maris. Awards were presented to high school essay contest winner, Christina Lappas, and middle school essay contest winners, Angeliki Stratakos and Nikos Bolis. Topics included migration themes, “This is why we are here and not Evrytania” and traditions and customs themes, “My Grandmother’s Evrytanian Wedding”.
We also celebrated with live entertainment provided by Greek Flame, where so many of our family and friends danced the night away. There were also many raffle prizes distributed.
We would also like to thank Mr. Kourkouvis, the Dinner Dance Committee, the Raffle Committee, the Essay Committee, the Welcoming Committee, the Board, and all members who helped with their hard work, time, effort, generosity, and dedication in creating a momentous event to share with our patriotes, family, friends, and especially our youth to be a part of their Evrytanian roots!
Σας ευχόμαστε Καλή Σαρακοστή και Καλό Πάσχα!
winter evrytanian newsletter (pdf)
DownloadΑγαπητοί συμπατριώτες,
Τους τελευταίους μήνες ο Σύλλογός μας έδωσε σημεία ζωτικότητας και δράσης. Αναφέρουμε περιληπτικά τις εκδηλώσεις που κάναμε.
Στις 23 Αυγούστου είχαμε την αρτοκλασία στον Ιερό ναό Αγίου Γεωργίου όπου πολλά από τα μέλη μας προσήλθαν πρός τιμήν της Παναγίας Προυσιώτισσας. Η σχετική προετοιμασία καθώς και η σύναξη των μελών που ακολούθησε την θεία λειτουργία ήταν άρτια οργανωμένη από την υπεύθυνη κ. Σταυρούλα Ψυχογιού. Την ευχαριστούμε για την προσφορά της στο έργο μας!
Στις 9 Σεπτέμβρη είχαμε το ετήσιο πικ-νικ. Ηταν μια απολαυστική ημέρα και μας έδωσε την δυνατότητα επανασύνδεσης σε ένα χαλαρό, φυσικό και ευχάριστο περιβάλλον. Άφθονα φαγητά, ποτά και κέφι και ιδιαίτερα ευχάριστη η διάθεση του κόσμου. Πολλοί εργάστηκαν εντατικά για την οργάνωσή του και την εξυπηρέτηση μελών μας και επισκεπτών. Ευχαριστούμε όλους που βοήθησαν την ημέρα εκείνη και όλους που πρόσφεραν παραδοσιακά μας φαγητά και γλυκίσματα. Χάριν σε εσάς, το πικ-νικ είχε μεγάλη επιτυχία.
Τώρα, σας ενημερώνουμε για τις επόμενες εκδηλώσεις του χρόνου.
Στις 9 Δεκεμβρίου θα έχουμε την γιορτή των Χριστουγέννων για τα παιδιά του Συλλόγου μας. Θα γίνει από τις 4:00pm - 6:00pm στο Kiddie Kingdom στη διεύθυνση 7411 N. Milwaukee Ave, Niles. Την οργάνωσή της έχουν αναλάβει οι κυρίες Ελένη Λάζαρη και Βίκυ Γιαννακοπούλου. Θα προσφερθεί πίτσα και ποτά και τα παιδιά θα πάρουν ένα Χριστουγεννιάτικο δωράκι. Επικοινωνείτε μαζί τους με είμαιλ να κλείσετε θέση.
Τα έξοδα καλύπτονται από το Σύλλογο και η είσοδος για τα μέλη είναι ελεύθερη. Τονίζουμε οτι αυτή η γιορτή είναι μόνο για παιδιά των μελών μας και ελπίζουμε όλες οι οικογένειες με μικρά παιδιά να παραβρεθούν. Πέρα από την ευκαιρία της επαφής για τους μεγάλους, αναπτύσσεται επίσης το κοινό βίωμα στα παιδιά μας και εγγυάται την αυριανή τους ενεργή συμμετοχή στο Σύλλογό μας.
Σε κάποια από τις ημέρες μεταξύ Χριστουγέννων και Πρωτοχρονιάς θα πραγματοποιήσουμε μια επίσκεψη στο Ελληνικό Γειροκομείο. Θα αφιερώσουμε λίγες ώρες της ημέρας μας να δώσουμε λίγη συντροφιά και χαρά στους συνανθρώπους μας της τρίτης ηλικίας που πολλοί απο αυτούς είναι ξεχασμένοι στο ίδρυμα αυτό που τους παρέχει θαλπωρή στα χρόνια της δύσης. Τον συντονισμό αυτής της επίσκεψης έχει αναλάβει η κυρία Δήμητρα Μπόλη. Παρακαλούμε όποιος ενδιαφέρεται, να έρθει σε επαφή με την κ. Μπόλη στο τηλ. (312) 213-4839 για περισσότερες πληροφορίες. Με το ευχάριστο αυτό συναίσθημα της προσφοράς στο συνάνθρωπο θα κλείσουμε το 2018 με την ελπίδα για ένα καλύτερο 2019.
Και το ποιό σημαντικό μας νέο: Σχεδιάζουμε τον ετήσιο χορό μας στις 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2019!
Παρακαλούμε να κρατήσετε την ημέρα αυτή ελεύθερη απο κάθε άλλη σας δραστηριότητα και να παραβρεθούμε όλοι στην πιο σημαντική μας κοινωνική εκδήλωση της χρονιάς. Θα σας στείλουμε τις λεπτομέρειες σύντομα με ξεχωριστό γράμμα, με emails και με αναρτήσεις στο Facebook. Προς το παρόν, κρατείστε την ημερομηνία ανοιχτή.
Ευχόμαστε σε όλους «ΚΑΛΕΣ ΓΙΟΡΤΕΣ» με υγεία, χαρά και οικογενειακή γαλήνη.
Με πατριωτικούς χαιρετισμούς,
Δημήτρης Κουρκουβής
Δήμητρα Μπόλη
Γενική Γραμματέας
Every family has a story and it is our communal story that is a collection of those stories that makes us unique.
In our everyday life we take a lot of pride in all things Greek and especially Evrytanian.
We teach our children to value our heritage and what we think our roots are but we seldomly attach actual events to our stories. We simply do not have many.
Middle School
With the topics for our essays this year we hope to inspire our little ones to listen to the stories of their grandparents, or relatives, that had life events in our Evrytania and retell those stories in their words.
Stories of weddings, baptisms, names days, festive times in panigiria where the traditions and customs were displayed are the ones that our children will find interesting and the adults meaningful enough to pass along.
So the topic for our Fifth to Eight graders is “My Grandmother’s Evrytanian Wedding” Please feel free to substitute Grandmother with any relative and Wedding with any life event.
High School
Evrytania has a long history of migration. During the Ottoman rule a lot of Evrytanians migrated to Kostantinoupoli and were very successful in creating wealth and sending money back to our villages. That migratory trend did not stop with the creation of a free Greece leading some to say that the most important export of Evrytania is it’s people.
For our high schoolers this year we want to ask them to find out what were the factors that drove their family to leave. There are many reasons that has made us pack up and leave. Each family has their own.
The tittle of the essay is “This is why we are here and not Evrytania”
Recognizing that a lot of us do not have both Evrytanian parents we can substitute the notion of Greece instead.
We hope that you see this as an opportunity to learn and teach your own stories.
Dear Fellow Evrytanians:
In the past few months our association was busy with a number of events:
On August 23 we had our annual artoklasia for Panagia Prousiotissa at St. George and has a wonderful member turnout. We would like to extend a special thank you to Stavroula Psihogios for organizing the event. And thank you to everyone who contributed through donations or volunteering with the coffee hour. Many thanks to everyone who attended.
We held our annual picnic on September 9 and it was a huge success! The member turnout was wonderful and everyone was able to enjoy each other’s company on a perfect fall day. A huge thank you to all those who organized the event, provided donations, and of course, to those who volunteered the day of the event. None of this would be possible without your time and dedication.
As we approach the near future, you can look forward to the following:
Our annual children’s Christmas party will be held on Sunday, December 9 from 4:00pm - 6:00pm at Kiddie Kingdom located at 7411 N. Milwaukee Ave, Niles. Please RSVP by Monday, December 3 to Thank you to Helen Lazaris and Vicky Giannopoulos who have graciously volunteered to coordinate our party for our Evrytanian families. This event is free for our members’ children. Pizza, drinks and a Christmas gift will be provided for all of those who attend. We hope to see you there.
As Christmas approaches, we will be planning an afternoon for a visit to the Greek Rehabilitation Center in Wheeling. Our visit will consist of spending a few hours with the residents of the rehabilitation center and spreading some holiday cheer. Mrs. Demetra Bolis will be coordinating this afternoon. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Demetra at 312.213.4839 to receive further information on day and time.
And finally, we are in the midst of planning our much anticipated Annual Dinner Dance. Our dinner dance will take place on Saturday, February 9, so please save the date. Look for more information on the event following the holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families.
Dimitrios Kourkouvis
Demetra Bolis
General Secretary
This is a long form text area designed for your content that you can fill up with as many words as your heart desires. You can write articles, long mission statements, company policies, executive profiles, company awards/distinctions, office locations, shareholder reports, whitepapers, media mentions and other pieces of content that don’t fit into a shorter, more succinct space.
Articles – Good topics for articles include anything related to your company – recent changes to operations, the latest company softball game – or the industry you’re in. General business trends (think national and even international) are great article fodder, too.
Mission statements – You can tell a lot about a company by its mission statement. Don’t have one? Now might be a good time to create one and post it here. A good mission statement tells you what drives a company to do what it does.
Company policies – Are there company policies that are particularly important to your business? Perhaps your unlimited paternity/maternity leave policy has endeared you to employees across the company. This is a good place to talk about that.
Executive profiles – A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. This is a good place to show off who’s occupying the corner offices. Write a nice bio about each executive that includes what they do, how long they’ve been at it, and what got them to where they are.